As I got into sheetmasking and my goal for this year was to use sheetmasks regularly, at least a few times a week, I thought I could also share some mini reviews of them with you!
In September I've used 13 sheetmask, that's actually a record for me! So here are 13 mini reviews, but not in any particular order. :)
I'll try to link all the ingredient lists via CosDNA!
MISSHA Pure Source Cell Sheet Mask Green Tea II Ingredients List
Claims: "Sheet mask containing green tea essence in its compact cell fabric keeps sensitive skin moist and calm"
Scent: slight green tea scent, flies off very quickly
Fit: Quite good, a little bit on the wider side, adheres well to the skin
Results: After taking it off after 1 hour, the sheet was still quite damp, it did moisturize my skin very well and in the next morning it was quite plump. I couldn't see that any redness or pimples calmed down after using this mask.
I'd say it's good for daily masking, as the sheetmasks are quite cheap and easily available.
Repurchase: Maybe
Available at: ebay I amazon I misshagermany
INNISFREE It's Real Squeeze Mask Green Tea II Ingredients List
Claims: "Real Source Mask with fresh moisture squeezed from green tea that moisturizes the skin to deep inside"
Scent: slight/fresh green tea scent but barely noticable
Fit: Good fit, eye holes are a little small, the upper lip part is big which I really like!
Results: Moisturized my skin quite well and actually think it helped calming down a few spots and a little redness.
Repurchase: Yes!
Available at: ebay I amazon I innisfreeofficial
MEDICOS-V Pure Snail Silky Soothing Essential Mask
Claims: improves wrinkles, gives intensive moisture
Scent: mild, fresh scent which was barely noticable
Fit: quite okay, eye holes on the smaller side; adheres well to face
Essence: There was so much essence on the sheet and left in the package it was literally dripping while I tried putting it on. I slathered the remaining essence all over my neck, chest, back arms and even on parts of my legs!
Results: It calmed down my breakout a bit and I think it brightened my face, but I'm not completely sure. But nonetheless it provided great moisture!
Repurchase: Maybe
Available at: Skin18
L'AFFAIR Teatree Mask II Ingredients List
Claims: "containing Tea Tree extracts has an exceptional effect on recovery from outside skin irritation, calming down the skin which has been stimulated, six kinds of extracts improve your skin in revitalization and elasticity"
Scent: I'm not good at describing scents but it didn't smell fresh but more like as if you were at a hospital?
Fit: actually really good fit except around the chin, stays on quite well
Results: It moisturized quite well but I can't say if it calmed down my redness or breakout, I haven't noticed a dramatic improvement
Repurchase: Maybe
Available at: Skin18
ETUDE HOUSE AC Clean Up Mask Sheet
Claims: "Formulated with Salicylic Acid, mask sheet made from 100% Bamboo fibers supplies soothing moisture"
Scent: Quite strong smell, I couldn't pinpoint what it is but didn't like it too much but it's not overwhelming once it's on your face
Scent: Quite strong smell, I couldn't pinpoint what it is but didn't like it too much but it's not overwhelming once it's on your face
Fit: very good fit, though eye and mouth holes might be a little bit small
Results: moisturized the skin quite well and didn't leave a sticky/tacky feeling, also soothed my acne a bit, overall a good mask
Repurchase: Yes
Available at: ebay I amazon I etudehouseofficial
Available at: ebay I amazon I etudehouseofficial
ETUDE HOUSE I Need You Tea Tree II Ingredients List
Claims: "This mask sheet contains extract from the clean herb Tea Tree extract, with soothing properties on skin to provide a fresh, clean complexion."
Scent: fresh but went away quickly
Fit: very good, sheet is quite thin and adheres well to the face
Results: It did leave my skin moisturized and soothed. I also noticed that my redness got reduced a bit.
Repurchase: I would if I could but it got discontinued and replaced by a new sheet mask line
TONY MOLY I'm Real Tea Tree Mask Sheet Skin Soothing II Ingredients List
Claims: "Tea Tree mask gets rid of uneven skin tone"
Scent: like tea tree but a tad more chemical which isn't overwhelmind or disturbing while you're wearing the mask
Fit: okay/so-so, around the nose/eye area the sheet mask didn't really fit well
Results: I felt like it did soothe my skin and redness a bit and it moisturized
Repurchase: Yes (it's super cheap!)
TONY MOLY I'm Reak Seaweeds Mask Sheet Skin Purifying II Ingredients List
Claims: "Seaweeds mask makes skin look bright and radiant with freshness of the sea"
Scent: fresh, reminded me of something but couldn't pinpoint what it was but I really liked it!
Fit: okay/so-so, quite small around eyes and mouth area
Results: My skin was left moisturized without a tacky/sticky feeling, no noticable results of brightening any redness
Repurchase: Yes (It's cheap and I like the packaging)
LEADERS INSOLUTION AC-Dressing Skin Clinic Mask II Ingredients List
Claims: "Mask relieves and soothes irritated and sensitive acne skin caused by excessive sebum and skin troubles."
Scent: mild, fresh scent
Fit: quite good, eye holes on the smaller side and mouth hole is a bit big
Results: It definitely calmed down my breakout! Before going to bed I put on the leftover essence and woke up with a quite soothed skin, my breakout didn't magically dissapear but the mask definitely helped reducing it!
Repurchase: Yes!
MEDIHEAL Teatree Care Solution Essential Mask EX.
Claims: relax the skin and hydrating it, it's supposed to tighten the facial line
Scent: faint tea tree(?) scent but barely noticable
Fit: I loved the fit! The sheet is very thin and with the premade cuts around nose, sides it fit even better and adhered well to my skin.
Results: It did calm my skin and redness of my breakout noticably went down overnight.
Repurchase: Yes!
TONY MOLY Pureness 100 Snail Mask Sheet Skin Damage Care II Ingredients List
Claims: "This gentle mask prevents skin damage"
Scent: nothing really noticable
Fit: Okay to ggod fit but a little small around eyes
Results: I did feel a slight sensation while wearing the mask but it was nothing that bothered me, it did moisturize well and calmed my skin a tiny bit but otherwise there weren't any huge effects.
Repurchase: Maybe
ACWELL Drinks Purifying Mask II Ingredients List
Claims: Calming & Purifying
Scent: no scent noticable
Fit: it was okay
Results: Dried out very quickly, I think already after 20 minutes or so. It also didn't do anything for my skin except slightly moisturizing. This mask was a huge disappointment and I still have 3 more of the same brand. :/
Repurchase: NO
Repurchase: NO
Available at: ?
LEADERS STEP SOLUTION Shining Effect Brightening Pearl Mask
Claims: "Skin tone improving double effect mask with Pearl Protein and Vitamin C Derivatiives for skin vitality and skin brightening."
Scent: no special scent
Fit: fit was quite good
Results: It did brighten my face a bit but other than hydrating my skin it didn't leave a big impression on me.
Repurchase: Maybe
Available at: ebay
As you can see, I mostly used sheetmasks that are on the cheaper side. I just can't justify using super expensive ones on a daily basis yet, that would destroy my wallet. I'll keep those for special days, like if I had to attend an event or if it's my birthday. Therefore my expectations on sheet masks are still pretty basic and not exactly high. Most of these are super cheap and great for daily masking if you want to moisturize and hydrate your skin and pamper yourself after a long school/work day. I'd recommend checking most of the masks I reviewed out!
What are your favorite cheap cheap masks? I'd love to hear some recommendations!